Veuve Du Vernay Ice 8 x 3 Pack (200ml) is a refined and refreshing sparkling wine designed to be enjoyed over ice. Produced and bottled in France, this vibrant wine showcases a pale yellow hue with green tints, offering a delightful combination of fruity, floral, and citrusy notes. With its fine effervescence and mellow profile, it is the perfect choice for those seeking a sophisticated yet easy-going drink. Best served chilled at 8°C, it’s ideal for relaxed moments or festive gatherings.
Tasting Notes:
On the nose, this wine opens with a refreshing bouquet of citrus fruits, complemented by floral hints that add complexity. The palate is light, young, and mellow, showcasing a smooth balance of fruit and freshness. The fine effervescence, neither overwhelming nor excessive, creates a delicate mouthfeel, enhancing the wine’s overall finesse. The vibrant citrus and floral notes continue through to the finish, leaving a clean and refreshing aftertaste that lingers gently.